ATP Information for Students

The Alternative Testing Program (ATP) is an exam support program managed by Student Disability Services (SDS) and supported by the Vice Provost’s Office for Undergraduate Education. It provides logistical assistance for participating classes by centralizing administration of accommodated exams.

Learn more about the Alternative Testing Program (ATP).


The Alternative Testing Program

The Alternative Testing Program (ATP) is a program that supports students and faculty with accommodated exams. For the Spring 2024 semester, several changes have been made based on student and faculty feedback, so please take a minute to review the information below.   

If you are a student enrolled in an ATP-participating class, this is how exams work: 

  1. You are approved for an exam accommodation by Student Disability Services 
  2. You inform faculty of your approved exam accommodations (by requesting your accommodation letters via SDS Online Services
  3. SDS-ATP staff will enroll you for your accommodated exams in SDS Online Services  
  4. You’ll automatically receive an email for each exam with exam details (date/time/location) 

Important Reminder About Deadlines

Due to the large number of courses we are supporting this semester, please note the following deadlines. These deadlines are not flexible and will apply to all students.

  • For students who have previously been approved for exam accommodations: we will not be able to enroll you in the ATP-proctored exam if you do not have accommodation letters sent at least seven days prior to an exam. 
  • For students newly approved for an exam accommodation (within the past two weeks): accommodation letters must be sent at least three days prior to an exam to participate in the ATP-proctored exam.
  • Temporary exam accommodations are functionally equivalent to standard exam accommodations and the deadlines above will apply.  

Please reference the process for requesting accommodation letters. Be aware that it takes at least one full business day for our office to process a request to send accommodation letters after an accommodation plan has been approved. 

What’s new for the Spring 2024 semester? 

  • You should log in regularly to SDS Online Services to check the status of your accommodations. By entering the “Accommodated Exams” section of the Student Portal, you may also review your current schedule of exams for classes participating in the ATP.  
  • If you have an academic conflict and can’t take your exam at the same time as the rest of the class, you can request a conflict exam. To do so, log in to SDS Online Services, navigate to “Accommodated Exams” and locate the exam you need to change. Click on “Modify Request” and change the exam time to either 8am or 5pm, the available conflict times. SDS-ATP staff will review your request and either approve or deny it based on faculty requirements (some faculty allow only 8am or 5pm as the conflict exam time). You’ll automatically receive an updated email with your exam details and the exam will also be updated in your SDS Online Services with your new exam time and location.  
  • If you need to take a makeup exam using your accommodations for an ATP class, you can now submit a request using the SDS Online Services. Navigate to “Accommodated Exams”, select the class you need to take a makeup exam for from the dropdown menu, then follow the prompts to submit a request for a makeup exam.  
  • Laptops will no longer be automatically provided for you to use if you have been approved to use a computer during exams. In order to ensure that everyone who needs to use a laptop has access to one, you’ll need to submit a request using the SDS Laptop Request Form no later than five days prior to your first exam. If you do not submit a request, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to use a laptop during your exam.   

How do I know if I this applies to me?

Check the Master List of ATP Classes. This list is continually updated. If you’re enrolled in a class listed here and been approved for exam accommodations, you’ll be taking ATP exams if you wish to use your exam accommodations.

Do I have to take an ATP exam?

No. If you do not want to use your approved exam accommodations, you will take your exam as regularly scheduled by your professor. Only students enrolled in classes participating in the ATP wishing to utilize their approved exam accommodations take ATP exams. 

When are accommodated exams held?

ATP exams are at the same time as the rest of their class (usually, the class time). So if a class is scheduled to take their exam at 9:00am, the accommodated exam will be held at 9:00am as well, just in a different room. Any extra time will be added on at the end.  

ATP evening exams (prelims) start at 6:30pm instead of 7:30pm.  

What if I can’t take the accommodated exam at the scheduled time?

If you have an academic conflict and can’t take your exam at the same time as the rest of the class, you can request a conflict exam. To do so, log in to SDS Online Services, navigate to “Accommodated Exams” and locate the exam you need to change. Click on “Modify Request” and change the exam time to either 8am or 5pm, the available conflict times. SDS-ATP staff will review your request and either approve or deny it based on faculty requirements (some faculty allow only 8am or 5pm as the conflict exam time). You’ll automatically receive an updated email with your exam details and the exam will also be updated in SDS Online Services with your new exam time and location.  

How do I request a makeup exam? 

If you need to take a makeup exam using your accommodations for an ATP class, you can now submit a request using SDS Online Services. Navigate to “Accommodated Exams”, select the class you need to take a makeup exam for from the dropdown menu, then follow the prompts to submit a request for a makeup exam.  

Why don't I see my exam scheduled? 

Please note that during the first two weeks of classes, SDS-ATP staff are actively enrolling students in exams and your exam may not yet have populated or be viewable in SDS Online Services. 

If you do not see your exam listed, please ensure that: 

  • You have informed your faculty of your approved accommodations (that is, “sent your letters” via SDS Online Services). We can’t enroll you in exams until this happens. 
  • Your class is participating in ATP

If your letters have already been sent, then we are actively working on enrolling you in your exam(s) and you should see them in SDS Online Services no later than 10 days prior to your exam date(s). 

I have questions or need more help. Who do I contact? 

First, check SDS Online Services! You can find your ATP exams here under “Accommodated Exams.” If you still have questions or need additional help, email [email protected]

ATP Resource Links