Our Staff

Student Disability Services Staff

For general questions, please contact [email protected].


Andrea (Andi) Dietrich

Accommodation Specialist

I provide accessible formats of course materials to students with hearing, visual, text, and mobility disabilities.

Campus access is important because every student should have an equal opportunity to learn.

Andrea Kiely

Health Leaves Coordinator

My role is to help students navigate the Health Leave of Absence process and university bureaucracy before, during, and after a leave. My goal is to facilitate a smooth and efficient exit from the university when a student determines that they need to take time away for reasons related to a disability or physical/mental health reason. I use a holistic approach to help students position themselves well to resume their studies and access the student experience at Cornell. I also serve as a liaison between academic units, administrative units, students, and families.       

Anton Ochoa

Testing Coordinator


April Carr

Document Conversion Assistant


Beth Parrott

Interim Director

I see diversity as a valuable asset; I hope to support and empower students to find their place in a community that is welcoming and accessible to everyone and that celebrates our many differences.

Courtney Lewis

Access Assistant

The importance of inclusivity and equity is immeasurable, especially on a college campus. I believe whole-heartedly that everyone deserves equal opportunity and treatment when it comes to their education; that no one should be turned away or discriminated against due to their race, social class, gender, sexual preference, or educational background, and Student Disability Services believes this, too.

My role at SDS is to assist students with their academic accommodation requests. I do this work with intention, curiosity, and with immense pride. Every day I strive to provide students with the tools they need to bridge barriers and preform at their best.

Cyrus Hamilton-Ferguson

Assistant Director and Disability Access Consultant

I hold a Master of Science in Assistive Technology and Human Services. As such, I am interested in exploring how students with disabilities can utilize technology to improve their learning experiences.

Dani Servedio

Coordinator of Equipment, Coordinator of Note Taking Supports

I arrange note taking services for students and manage the lending of assistive equipment.

Ed von Aderkas

Accommodation Specialist

Accessibility is good!

Emily Nester

Assistant Director of Operations

I coordinate many of the logistics of our department, particularly for specific services.

I feel it is important for students with both visible and nonvisible disabilities to have equitable access to all that Cornell has to offer.

Joshua Smith

Accommodation Specialist

I primarily work with students that identify as having a print-based disability. Print-based disabilities are widely misunderstood and often invisible to others. I work with this diverse community to ensure they have the resources needed to access their required class readings in a meaningful way.

Furthermore, my ambition is to keep pushing Cornell to consider this population of the disabled community when selecting, creating, and distributing course materials. This challenging work is vital in upholding the Cornell University motto “…where any person can find instruction in any study.”

Katherine Doktorich

Assistant Director and Disability Access Consultant


Kristin McCartney

Office Lead/Manager

My role is to assist students, faculty, and our community in finding the help and resources to make their experience with SDS successful. 

"Every once in a while a person comes along who defies the odds, who defies logic, and fulfills an incredible dream."

--Rocky Balboa

Maddie Guerrier

Access Assistant

My role is to assist with document conversion and providing accessible formats of course materials to students with varying disabilities. 
Accessibility should always be thought of during design, rather than being added on later.

Maria Zambos

Assistant Director and Disability Access Consultant


Milo Tantillo

Access Assistant


Nibras Islam

Administrative Assistant, Alternative Testing Program


Sarah Janusz

Assistant Director and Disability Access Consultant